среда, 23 декабря 2009 г.
Studio session #1
вторник, 10 ноября 2009 г.
Watch Your Step EP

Dear Friends!
We are really excited to announce that our second EP “Watch Your Step” is out now!
Download and share
1. Watch Your Step
2. I Can Feel
3. Kids
4. Keep On Dancing (Moonoton Remix)
5. They Are Coming (Poetic Disorders I Like My Life Mix)
Thanks for your support,
The Tapeaters.
понедельник, 28 сентября 2009 г.
....every time I hear my song on the radio....
>>>>Friday morning dance parrtyyyy<<<<
So guys if you have heard our tracks on some radio stations please let us know posting a comment to this post or mail us on MySpace ;) We will be glad to see you back! Cheers!
среда, 16 сентября 2009 г.
Spread it around!
Hey you people from all over the globe! Hope you're all fine coz there's some good news from The Tapeaters And good news are always easy to share:)
There are first comments coming and many of them are positive (that's realy inspiring). We are always open so if you have comments feel free to post them. Tonight we want to share with you the Danger!Danger! blog reveiw
By the way, hopefully soon you'll be able see us performing live in your city for right now we're finishing the preparations for live shows. So, see ya! Cheers!!
P.S. We're recording a new song. It's called "Watch your step". Stay tuned!
пятница, 11 сентября 2009 г.
Debut ep out now!
We would like to thank everyone who helped us to complete the album:
Aleksandr Rusanov for his cute little studio and tea, Nikita Astrahankin & Philipp for nice promo pics, Andrew Smaev for sound mastering, Michael Gogin for the warmth of his studio on a rainy day, and… Mr. Moog.